Friday, August 31, 2018
Mermaid Nails
Hi guys and hello Fri-YAY! Welcome to the weekend! Today's nail polish is actually some mermaid nail art featuring my first attempt at using vinyls! I purchased these vinyls on Bundle Monster's website (now Maniology) and they look like this:
Next I needed to select some nail polish to create this design! I selected Bundle Monster Color's "Peridot", Wet N' Wild's "Black Creme" and Sephora Formula X's "Kaleidoscope."
First off I decided to stick with an accent nail because I work in a strict office setting that doesn't usually allow nail art so I needed to be able to add an accent nail for the weekend that could be removed for a more traditional nail come Monday. (I wore these last weekend.) I started by painting my ring finger with two coats of Wet N' Wild's "Black Creme" and the other fingers with Bundle Monster Color's "Peridot." My nails looked like this:
Next I placed the vinyl on to my ring finger:
I followed this up by several coats of Sephora Formula X's "Kaleidoscope" to create the mermaid's scales. I peeled off the vinyl, applied Orly's "Sec'N'Dry" as my quick drying top coat and had this gorgeous final look:
If you want to know more about Wet N' Wild's "Black Creme" check out my post from earlier this year!
Overall I am really happy with how this look turned out! (Especially for a first attempt!) The vinyls were super easy to use and gave me a look that wouldn't have been able to create any other way - at least not as easily. I cannot wait to try out other vinyls!
Make sure you follow the blog on Instagram @PerfPolsihed12 to keep up with all the fun!
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Essie "Find Me An Oasis"
Hey everyone and happy Thursday! (Or should I say Friday's Eve!) Today's nail polish is Essie's "Find Me An Oasis" which was part of a set for the 2014 Resort Collection. The set looks like this:
"Find Me An Oasis" is a gorgeous pastel baby blue color. The formula of "Find Me An Oasis" was slightly watery but easy enough to apply. After two coats this polish was almost completely opaque but not entirely. A third coat would solve this problem and hide the streak marks. In terms of chipping, I was able to wear "Find Me An Oasis" for three days before I noticed a few small tip chips.
Overall Essie's "Find Me An Oasis" was a nice nail polish and the color is so pretty! It's also a nice way to ease myself back into the real world after being on vacation in Hawaii and L.A. for two and a half weeks.
Be sure to follow along on Instagram and Twitter @PerfPolished12 to keep up with my nail polish adventure!
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Zoya "Lois"
Hello everyone and happy Wednesday! To celebrate the end of Summer I decided to pull out a fun bright polish! So without further ado, today's nail polish is Zoya's "Lois."
"Lois" is a really pretty red-purple creme nail polish. The formula of "Lois" was absolutely amazing! After only one coat the nail polish was entirely opaque and streak free. However I applied a second coat for the photos and to test the wear time. As for chipping, I was able to wear "Lois" for five days before there were some noticeable chips.
Overall I am so pleased with Zoya's Lois." Absolutely everything about this nail polish is perfect and I will be wearing it again and again! The one-coater is always top on my list!
Make sure you follow the blog on Instagram and Twitter @PerfPolished12 to keep up with all things nail polish!
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
China Glaze "Define Good..."
Hello everyone and happy Tuesday! Who else is already counting down to the three day weekend? Today's nail polish is China Glaze's "Define Good..." which was part of a holiday collection I got one year for Christmas.
"Define Good..." is a gorgeous vampy dark Burgundy with red shimmer. The formula of this nail polish was fantastic and applied with ease. After two coats, "Define Good..." was fully opaque and had no visible streak marks. As for chipping, I was able to wear this polish for five full days before I noticed some chips.
Overall I am really happy with China Glaze's "Define Good..." Everything about this nail polish is wonderful and I cannot wait to wear it again and again! (Especially come Thanksgiving and Christmas when I want some holiday cheer!)
Make sure you follow along on Instagram and Twitter @PerfPolished12 to keep up with the nail polish adventure!
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
If you'd like this polish it's available on Amazon (affiliate link)
Monday, August 27, 2018
butterLONDON "Buckie"
Hello guys! I hope everyone survived Monday! (One day closer to the weekend right?) Today's nail polish is butterLONDON's "Buckie."
"Buckie" is a pretty purple polish with a golden iridescent shimmer. Formula wise this nail polish was good and applied easily. After two coats "Buckie" was fully opaque with only one minor streak mark, which is completely normal for an iridescent shimmery polish. In terms of chipping, I was able to wear "Buckie" for four days before I noticed some tip chips.
Overall I am really pleased with butterLONDON's "Buckie." This polish is an all-around nice polish that I can wear any time of the year! I can hardly wait to wear it again very soon!
Be sure to follow the blog on Instagram and Twitter @PerfPolished12.
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Sinful Colors "Festival Fairy"
Hey guys and happy Sunday! I spent the day getting readjusted to post-vacation real world. Which included deep cleaning my bedroom and bathroom since they have FINALLY finished our renovations! But without further ado, today's nail polish is Sinful Colors "Festival Fairy" from the Vanessa Hudgen's Festival Collection.
"Festival Fairy" is a gorgeous shimmery white nail polish. Formula wise this polish was great and applied with ease. After two coats "Festival Fairy" was nearly opaque and had no visible streak marks. In terms of chipping, I was able to wear this nail polish for four days before there were a few small tip chips.
Overall I am really happy with Sinful Colors "Festival Fairy." Everything about this nail polish is great and I cannot wait to wear it again and again!
Be sure to follow along on Instagram and Twitter @PerfPolished12 to keep up with the nail polish adventure!
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Peggy Sage "Bubble Sky"
Hey all and happy happy Saturday! I just got home from being on vacation for two and a half weeks and while I had a fantastic time in Hawaii and California I am so glad to be home! But without further ado, today's nail polish is Peggy Sage "Bubble Sky" which I picked up in Rouen, France in 2015 on an entirely different vacation!
"Bubble Sky" is unsurprisingly a sky blue nail polish. Formula wise "Bubble Sky" was great and very easy to apply. After two coats, the polish was nearly opaque however there were a few streak marks. In terms of chipping, I was able to wear "Bubble Sky" for four days before I noticed some small tip chips.
Overall I like Peggy Sage's "Bubble Sky." The color and formula re great and I think with a third coat there would not be visible streak marks. I definitely plan to wear this nail polish a lot more often and would love to get my hands on some additional colors by this brand!
Be sure to follow along on Instagram and Twitter @PerfPolished12 to keep up with all the fun!
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
Friday, August 24, 2018
Color Club "Sun Goddess"
Hey all and happy Friday! It is my last full day in Los Angeles and while my vacation has been a lot of fun I am ready to get back to my own house! Today's nail polish is Color Club's "Sun Goddess" which is a fun color changing polish!
"Sun Goddess" goes from a neon hot pink to a slightly coral-orange neon when dipped into cold water. It also finished matte which was a unique surprise! The formula of "Sun Goddess" was nice and applied really well. And after two coats, the nail polish was not fully opaque and you could see my nail line. As for chipping, I was able to wear "Sun Goddess" for three days before there were chips. When "Sun Goddess" was room temperature/hot it was a bright hot pink neon, as seen above.
And when "Sun Goddess" was run under cold water it was a coral-orange color, which looked like this:
Overall I am a bit disappointed with Color Club's "Sun Goddess." The color straight out of the bottle is very pretty and the formula grand but the fact that it didn't change color as much as I would like is a bit sad. That being said I will keep this in my collection because the regular room temperature color is nice and looks good for Summer.
Make sure you follow the blog on Instagram and Twitter @PerfPolished12.
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Beach Nail Art
Hey all and happy Thursday! Originally I planned to post this while I was still in Hawaii but I've gotten behind on posts. I am not currently in California but we can pretend I'm still enjoying Hawaii! So without further ado, today's nail polish is actually some fun beachy nail art!
So to create this nail art I needed to pick out some polish. So I selected Bundle Monster Color's "Bam! White", Sinful Colors "Mist-erious", Essie's "Cocktails & Coconuts" and Bundle Monster Color's "Straight Up Black."
Next I painted Bundle Monster Color's "Bam! White" as the base coat. My nails looked like this:
After that I used Essie's "Cocktails & Coconuts" and Sinful Colors "Mist-erious" to create a blended look. I used a make-up sponge which looked like this with the polish on it:
After dabbing the sponge on each nail several times, my nails looked like this:
From here I wanted to add some fun beachy seashells so I pulled out Bundle Monster Plate XL321 "Kawaii Emoji" which looks like this:
Next I simply used Bundle Monster Color's "Straight Up Black" to add the design to my nails. It turned out to look very fun and happy - which is exactly what I wanted for my trip to the beach! And after adding Orly "Sec'N'Dry" as the quick drying top coat I had a final look:
If you want to know more about Bundle Monster Color "Bam! White", Sinful Colors "Mist-erious" or Essie "Cocktails & Coconuts" be sure to check out my previous posts.
Overall I think this look turned out really cute! However I need to work on my sponge skills to get a better gradient. That being said I love this beachy look and they look perfect in Hawaii!
Be sure to follow along on Instagram and Twitter @PerfPolished12 to keep up with my nail polish adventures!
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Elle "Surfer Babe"
Hello guys and happy Wednesday! I'm still on vacation but now in Los Angeles instead of Hawaii. Today's nail polish is Elle's "Surfer Babe." I purchased this polish randomly at Kohl's a few years ago. I had never heard or seen of this brand prior to that or since then so I don't really know too much about the polish.
"Surfer Babe" is a pretty pastel blue color polish that is great for Spring and Summer! The formula of this nail polish was extremely watery and applied weirdly to my nails. After two coats, "Surfer Babe" was nowhere near opaque and had lots of streak marks. In terms of chipping, I was able to wear "Surfer Babe" for less than two days before it chipped and looked bad!
Overall I am not a fan of Elle's "Surfer Babe." Aside from the name and color everything was terrible. This nail polish is definitely not going to be sticking around in my collection.
Make sure you follow the blog on Instagram and Twitter @PerfPolished12 to keep up with all things nails!
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Femme Fatale "Ashes To Dusk"

Hey guys! Sorry for being so M.I.A. I have been on vacation in Hawaii ad time just slipped away from me! I am now in Los Angeles and was hoping to enjoy the sites but currently I am sick as a dog. (Guess I can't have everything!) Today's nail polish is Femme Fatale's "Ashes To Dusk" a unique color changing polish.
"Ashes To Dusk" is a gorgeous dusty light purple polish that turns into a dark blue when cool. Formula wise this polish was great and applied with ease. After two coats the polish was not quite opaque, so I actually added a third coat. As for chipping, I was able to wear "Ashes To Dusk" for three days before it began to chip.
Here's how "Ashes To Dusk" looked when cool:
Overall I really love Femme Fatale's "Ashes To Dusk." Everything about this nail polish is great and the color change is so pretty and fun! (However the change was far more noticeable in person than in the photos!) I received a ton of compliments while wearing it and cannot wait to wear it again!
Be sure to follow the blog on Instagram and Twitter @PerfPolished12 to keep up with the nail polish adventure!
Thanks for reading! :)
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear "Mint Sorbet"
Hi everyone! Sorry about missing Tuesday's post time but I am on vacation in Hawaii and time slipped way from me! S without further ado, today's nail polish is Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear's "Mint Sorbet."
"Mint Sorbet" is unsurprisingly a light mint green nail polish. The formula of "Mint Sorbet" was slightly thick but it applied pretty well. And after two coats the polish was entirely opaque and had no visible streak marks. As for chipping, I was able to wear this nail polish for five days before I noticed some tip chips.
Overall I am really pleased with Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear's "Mint Sorbet." There is nothing about this nail polish that I dislike and I wear it quite often as it has been in my collection for many years.
Make sure you follow along on Instagram and Twitter @PerfPolished12 to keep up with all things nail polish.
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
Get this gorgeous mint nail polish for yourself on Amazon (affiliate link)
Monday, August 13, 2018
Essie "Sunshine State Of Mind"
Hey everyone and happy Sunday! Now that Summer is in full swing in North Carolina (It has literally been so crazy hot!) I couldn't resist pulling out a brightly colored polish to celebrate the sun. So without further ado, today's nail polish is Essie's "Sunshine State Of Mind."
"Sunshine State Of Mind" is not surprisingly a bright orange colored polish. The formula was fantastic and applied really well to my nails. Though word of warning make sure to wipe the brush or your cuticles will get flooded! After two coats, "Sunshine State Of Mind" was fully opaque and had no visible streak marks. In terms of chipping, I was able to wear this polish for five days before I noticed some chips.
Overall I am really happy with Essie's "Sunshine State Of Mind." Everything about this nail polish is great and I can't wait to wear this polish again and again. (Which is totally abnormal for me as I don't usually enjoy wearing orange-colored polishes!)
Make sure you follow along on Instagram and Twitter @PerfPolished12 to keep up with all the nail polish!
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
If you'd like to try this nail polish out it can be bought on Amazon (affiliate link)
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Le Mini Macaron Hydrating Rose Finger Mask
Hello all and happy Saturday! Instead of nail polish today's post is all about cuticle and nail care! I snagged this Le Mini Macaron Hydrating Rose Finger Mask at ULTA when they did a sale and have been dying to try it ever since! Here's how the adorable (seriously so cute) packaging looks:
When I opened this pack up there were 10 finger masks - one for each nail! The directions were super easy, place one mask on each finger and let sit for fifteen minutes. After the time is up rub the excess into your nails. The smell was amazing - it was nice but not overwhelming.
Overall I am really pleased with Le Mini Macaron's Hydrating Rose Finger Mask. My nails and cuticles felt fresh and hydrated and the smell was lovely. I will definitely be buying more of these for future use!
Be sure to follow the blog on Instagram and Twitter @PerfPolished12 to keep up with all things nails!
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
Sephora by OPI "Fit For Royalty"
Hey guys and happy Friday! I'm currently on vacation in Hawaii, which means my posts will be later in the day since I am six hours behind the East Coast. Today's nail polish is Sephora by OPI's "Fit For Royalty" which came as part of a mini set featuring Jasmine from Disney's Aladdin. The set looks like this:
"Fit For Royalty" is a gorgeous a royal purple with a golden shimmer. The formula of "Fit For Royalty" for really good and applied with ease. After two coats this nail polish was completely opaque and had no visible streak marks. As for chipping, I was able to wear "Fit For Royalty" for five days before there were a few minor tip chips.
Overall I really like Sephora by OPI's "Fit For Royalty." Everything about this nail polish is lovely and I plan on wearing it again and again!
Be sure to follow the blog on Instagram and Twitter @PerfPolished12 to keep up with the nail polish adventure!
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Pupa "400"
Hello all and happy Wednesday! Today's nail polish is Pupa's "400" which my parents bought for me on one of their trips through Europe.
"400" is the name I gave this nail polish because I couldn't find one on the bottle, but is a really pretty red purple. Formula wise "400" was perfect and applied so fantastically! After only one coat the polish was completely opaque and streak free. However I did add a second coat for the picture above. In terms of chipping, I was able to wear this nail polish for a full week before my nails grew out and needed to be repainted.
Overall Pupa "400" is absolutely perfect in every way! It is such a great nail polish and I wish all my other polishes were so great to wear! I definitely be wearing this nail polish again and again and I also wish I could get my hands on some more polishes by this brand!
Make sure you follow the blog on Instagram and Twitter @PerfPolished12 to keep up with my nail polishing adventures!
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
Monday, August 6, 2018
ULTA "Bam-blue-zled"
Hi all! Today's nail polish is ULTA's "Bam-blue-zled" which I have had in my collection for about seven years now! When I started collecting nail polish back in college I just loved to do my nails but then my friend Anna suggested I start a nail polish blog in 2011, which is how I ended up here. It was also around this time I started to purchase a variety of brands of polish and when "Bam-blue-zled" joined the collection.
"Bam-blue-zled" is a really pretty periwinkle creme polish. The formula of "Bam-blue-zled" was pretty good, especially considering its age! After two coats, the nail polish was completely opaque and streak free. In terms of chipping, I was able to wear "Bam-blue-zled" for three days before there were some small chips.
If you want to check out a cringe-worthy post from the early years here's a dupe post featuring "Bam-blue-zled." (Don't just me too harshly!)
Overall I like ULTA's "Bam-blue-zled." The color is really pretty and everything else was good with this nail polish. I will definitely wear this nail polish again!
Be sure to follow along on Instagram and Twitter @PerfPolished12 to keep up with my nail polishing adventures!
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
Saturday, August 4, 2018
China Glaze "Fault Line"
Hey guys and happy weekend! It has been a busy and long week for me and I am so glad to have a couple of days break! So without further ado, today's nail polish is China Glaze's "Fault Line" which is a fun unique crackle polish.
"Fault Line" is a crackle polish that is neon purple! The formula of this polish was pretty good and applied easily. And as it is a special polish you only apply one coat and it is made to be worn over opaque colored polishes. So I decided to test it out!
The first polish I decided to test "Fault Line" with was China Glaze's "Highlight Of My Summer" a bright neon green. This combination turned out really well and looked awesome! (And also slightly reminiscent of Barney & Friends).
The second polish I decided to try out with "Fault Line" was ULTA's "Bam-Blue-zled" a pretty periwinkle. This combination was a lot more relaxed and made for a nice look.
If you want to now more about China Glaze's "Highlight Of My Summer" check out my previous post!
Overall I am really pleased with China Glaze's "Fault Line." This bright neon purple nail polish is great for nail art and to create fun looks! I'll definitely be rocking it again very soon!
Be sure to follow along on Instagram and Twitter @PerfPolished12 to keep up with he nail polish adventure!
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
If you want to try this fun polish out for yourself it's available on Amazon (affiliate link)
Thursday, August 2, 2018
August Dupe Post: Sinful Colors "aPEAsing" and "Nice Stems"
Hello all and happy Thursday! Today's nail polish is actually a comparison post between Sinful Colors "aPEAsing" and "Nice Stems."
In the bottles they look very similar so I wanted to test them out on my nails to see for sure. Formula wise "Nice Stems" was so much easier to apply where "aPEAsing" was quite watery. After two coats both polishes were opaque and streak free. However it became pretty clear that these two are not dupes for each other, as "aPEAsing" is lighter than "Nice Stems." That being said though they are similar enough that I doubt you need both in your collection.
If you want to now more about Sinful Colors "Nice Stems"or Sinful Colors "aPEAsing" check out some of my earlier posts.
Overall it was nice to know that Sinful Colors "Nice Stems" and "aPEAsing" aren't identical given the choice on which to own I am torn on - one one hand "Nice Stems" was better formula wise but "aPEAsing" is the color I like better. In the end I'll be keeping both nail polishes.
Be sure you follow the blog on Instagram and Twitter too @PerfPolished12 to keep up with all things fun and nail polish!
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
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