Saturday, February 23, 2019

Lush Volcano Foot Mask

Hello guys and happy Saturday!  Today's post is all about beauty and foot care!  I popped by Lush a few weeks ago and spotted this foot mask that can soften and deodorize my feet - so I couldn't resist a try!  Here's how the pot looks:

The mask itself is a grayish color and smells like peppermint:

Before using the volcano foot mask I snapped a before shot of my poor dancer feet:

Then I applied a this layer to the bottom of my feet and then wrapped them in plastic for 10 - 15 minutes.  (I used gallon ziplock bags since they can be rinsed off and reused again and again).

After wearing the mask I washed my feet off in my usual evening shower.  After one use my feet looked like this:

My feet did look every so slightly softer but there was a long way to go!  (There is only so much one product can do after 18 years of dancing and 12 years of gymnastics!)  So I decided to try the foot mask every night for a week to see if there would be a more noticeable change in softness.  My feet did feel softer but it couldn't quite solve my heels.  However the mask's scent was very clean and I did notice improvement in how my feet smelled.  After a week's worth of masks my feet looked like this:

Overall I am very pleased with Lush's Volcano Foot Mask.  My feet were softer and smelled amazing.  I think adding this in with my other foot care items will help me have prettier feet in the long run!  It is also such a nice quick self-care treat!

Be sure to follow the blog on Instagram and Twitter @PerfPolished12 to keep up with all the nail polish adventures!

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